Moneyball (2011)

Plot: Oakland A’s GM Billy Beane (Brad Pitt) is handicapped with the lowest salary constraint in baseball. If he ever wants to win the World Series, Billy must find a competitive advantage. Billy is about to turn baseball on its ear when he uses statistical data to analyze and place value on the players he picks for the team.

Director: Bennett Miller

Writing Credits: Michael Lewis (nonfiction book) | Aaron Sorkin and Steven Zaillian (screenplay)

Cast: Brad Pitt, Jonah Hill, Philip Seymour Hoffman, Robin Wright, Chris Pratt, Stephen Bishop, Kerris Dorsey & Spike Jonze

Music by: Mychael Danna

Genre: Sports Drama

Budget: $50,000,000

Filming Dates: 12 July 2010 – October 2010

Release Date: September, 23 2011 (USA)

Box Office: $75,605,492(USA)

Runtime: 133 minutes

MPAA Rating: Rated PG-13 for some strong language

Robin Wright as Sharon

Robin Wright plays Sharon who is Billy Beane’s (Brad Pitt) ex-wife and mother of their daughter Casey (Kerris Dorsey).

Robin Wright filmed multiple scenes for the movie. She was supposed to have a prominent supporting role. But, sadly, most of her scenes were left on the cutting room floor.

In the final cut, Robin Wright has basically nothing to do with only one scene on-screen and another via voiceover.

Despite of this, Robin Wright receives top billing in the movie credits. She’s billed 4th despite her minimal screentime.

Still, Wright made out better than Kathryn Morris, who played Beane’s second wife, Tara, and whose four scenes were completely excised.

Brad Pitt’s character still wears a wedding ring throughout the film which is odd and confusing because in the movie he comes across as a solo divorcee.

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