Plot: In 18th-century London, the daughter of a thief, Moll Flanders (Robin Wright) is placed in the care of a nunnery after the execution of her mother. However, the actions of an abusive priest (Jim Sheridan) lead Moll to rebel as a teenager, escaping to the dangerous streets of London.
Further misfortunes drive her to accept a job as a prostitute from the conniving Mrs. Allworthy (Stockard Channing). It is there that Moll first meets Hibble (Morgan Freeman), who is working as Allworthy’s servant but takes a special interest in the young woman’s well-being.
With his help, she retains hope for the future, ultimately falling in love with an unconventional artist (John Lynch) who promises the possibility of romantic happiness.
Director: Pen Densham
Writing Credits: Pen Densham (screenplay) & Daniel Defoe (character from novel)
Cast: Robin Wright, Morgan Freeman, Stockard Channing, John Lynch, Brenda Fricker, Geraldine James, Aisling Corcoran, Jeremy Brett, Britta Smith & Jim Sheridan
Music by: Mark Mancina
Genre: Drama
Budget: $16 million
Filming Dates: April-June 1995
Filming Locations: Ireland & England (UK)
Release Date: June 14, 1996 (USA)
MPAA Rating: Rated PG-13 For Violence, Nudity and Sex-Related Material
Runtime: 123 minutes
Assistant to Robin Wright: Karen Fowler
The International Press Academy (Satellite Awards) nominated Moll Flanders for four awards: Robin Wright for Best Actress in a Drama, John Lynch for Supporting Actor in a drama, Stockard Channing for Best Supporting Actress in a Drama, and a nomination for Costume Design.
Moll Flanders w/ Ms Robin Wright is one of my favorite films and I love Robin in this film so much. This film gives such hope to what is possible with the great will to survive and to do it with the grace of what can cause a epiphany of spirit abd that is love. Love guides this film and it is a unique tribute to each actor and one of Robins finest performances.