Plot: After a man is accused of driving his girlfriend to suicide, his ex-girlfriend Hedda (Robin Wright), a troubled woman who can’t hate or hurt others even if they had wronged her, is subpoenaed to testify on his abusive behavior during their relationship.
Director: Erin Dignam
Writing Credits: Erin Dignam
Cast: William Hurt, Robin Wright Penn, Amy Madigan, Lucinda Jenney, Joanna Cassidy, Jennifer Rubin, Paul Dooley, LaTanya Richardson, Michael Tomlinson, Anthony Lucero & Sean Penn
Music by: David Baerwald
Genre: Psychological Drama
Filming Dates: Winter 1995-1996 (Began shooting October 30, 1995.)
Filming Locations: Los Angeles (USA)
Release Date: April 1997 (Los Angeles Independent Film Festival)
MPAA Rating: Rated PG-13 for intense thematic elements, brief disturbing images, language and nudity
Runtime: 109 minutes
Assistant to Robin Wright: Jerva Cox
For the movie ‘Loved’, Robin Wright won the Best Actress Award at The Seattle International Film Festival. She also was nominated as Best Female Lead at the Independent Spirit Awards.
‘Loved’ is the first movie where Robin Wright is credited as Robin Wright Penn. She will maintain this name until “The Private Lives of Pippa Lee” (2009) the last movie where she will be Robin Wright Penn.
‘Loved’ is Robin Wright’s second movie with her longtime friend Erin Dignam. The first was ‘Denial’ filmed in December 1987. Dignam wrote the lead part of Hedda specifically for Wright.
Robin Wright Awards and Nominations for the movie ‘Loved’ (1997)
- Seattle Film Festival | Golden Space Needle (Best Actress Award) | Winner
- Independent Spirit Awards | Best Female Lead | Nominated
Robin Wright’s acting in this movie is very good so I can understand why she received awards and nominations. But I dislike the writing so much. They made Hedda, the main character, immature, annoying and selfish. She made all victims of the abuser look dumb, embarrassing and pathetic.