Plot: Eddie (Sean Penn) lives with his smugly charming business partner Mickey (Kevin Spacey), who is ‘taking a break’ from his wife and kids. Often, they are joined in their mission for good times by two close friends; the smooth Hollywood player Artie (Garry Shandling) and the brutish yet would-be-actor Phil (Chazz Palminteri).
Into this exclusive all-male club come three equally adrift women. First there’s Darlene (Robin Wright), a cool, beautiful fast-laner herself, who two-times with both Eddie and Mickey. Then there’s Donna (Anna Paquin), an under-age, runaway waif whom Artie gives to his friends as a ‘care package’. Finally, there’s Bonnie (Meg Ryan), the sweet but stepped-upon exotic dancer, whose unfortunate run-in with Phil sets off an unexpected chain of events.
Director: Anthony Drazan
Writing Credits: David Rabe (play & screenplay)
Music by: David Baerwald & Steve Lindsey
Cast: Sean Penn, Kevin Spacey, Robin Wright Penn, Chazz Palminteri, Garry Shandling, Anna Paquin & Meg Ryan
Genre: Comedy/Drama
Budget: $6.000.000
Filming Dates: 9 December 1997- 26 January 1998
Release Date: 25 December 1998
Box Office USA: $1,798,862 | Widest Release: 84 theaters
Runtime: 117 minutes
MPAA Rating: Rated R for constant drug use, pervasive strong language and sexual material
Assistant to Sean Penn & Robin Wright: Sato Masuzawa