Plot: The sixth and final season of House of Cards continues the story of recently-inaugurated, Democratic president Claire Underwood (Robin Wright), who faces new threats within and outside the White House following the death of her husband and former president Frank Underwood (Kevin Spacey).
Powerful elites, led by wealthy siblings Annette and Bill Shepherd (Diane Lane and Greg Kinnear), are attempting to manipulate and destroy her presidency, while Claire struggles to exert influence and escape her husband’s shadow.
Cast: Robin Wright, Michael Kelly, Diane Lane, Campbell Scott, Derek Cecil, Cody Fern, Greg Kinnear, Boris McGiver, Constance Zimmer, Patricia Clarkson, Jayne Atkinson, Boris Kodjoe, Lars Mikkelsen, Sakina Jaffrey, Robert Newman, Jeremy Holm & Willa Fitzgerald.
Directors: Robin Wright, Alik Sakharov, Ami Canaan Mann, Stacie Passon, Ernest Dickerson, Thomas Schlamme & Louise Friedberg.
Writers: Melissa James Gibson, Frank Pugliese, Charlotte Stoudt, Sharon Hoffman, Jerome Hairston, Tian Jun Gu & Jason Horwitch.
Filming Dates: Soon after production began in October 2017, Netflix fired Kevin Spacey as a result of sexual misconduct allegations made against him. Production was halted for several months while the screenplay was reworked to exclude Spacey’s character. ‘House of Cards’ resumed production on January 31, 2018 and wrapped filming four months later, May 25, 2018.
Release Date: The season was reduced to eight episodes, deviating from the 13-episode format of the previous seasons. Netflix released the season in its entirety on November 2, 2018.
This season Robin Wright only directed one episode. It was the series finale of ‘House of Cards’.
Loved this series and Robin Wright made the perfect Claire Hale Underwood. She was also a very good director.