Plot: Enlightened is an HBO series that had 2 seasons. It follows the story of Amy Jellicoe (Laura Dern), a self-destructive executive, who, after a very public breakdown and a subsequent philosophical awakening in rehabilitation, tries to get her life back together.
Cast: Laura Dern, Diane Ladd, Luke Wilson, Dermot Mulroney, Mike White, Molly Shannon, Lukas Gage, Timm Sharp, Amy Hill, Sarah Burns, Charles Esten, Jason Mantzoukas, Michaela Watkins, Riki Lindhome & Wolf Muser.
Creators: Mike White & Laura Dern
Directors: Mike White, Miguel Arteta, Todd Haynes, Nicole Holofcener, Phil Morrison, Jonathan Demme.
Writers: Mike White & Laura Dern
Release Dates: The first season, which premiered on October 10, 2011 on HBO, consist of 10 episodes
SANDY (Season 1, Episode 6)
Robin Wright guest stars as Sandy in episode 6 ‘Sandy’ and has a brief appearance in episode 7 ‘Lonely Ghosts’.
The 2 episodes are written by Mike White and directed by Jonathan Demme.
In episode 6, Amy (Laura Dern) gets a call from Sandy (Robin Wright), a friend from her time at the Open-Air treatment center. A former government speechwriter, Sandy is in town for a yoga intensive. When Amy is away at work, Sandy tries to connect with Amy’s mother (Diane Ladd). Because Helen isn’t receptive to Sandy’s new age ideas, Amy has her friend stay the night at Levi’s (Luke Wilson) instead.
Amy invites Sandy to teach a yoga class at the office but is forced to call it off when Sandy fails to show. After having her calls and texts ignored, she drives over to Levi’s and finds Sandy straddling him in bed, giving him a massage. Amy pleads with Levi not to have sex with her.
Desperate to know whether Sandy slept with Levi, Amy tries several times to sneak a peek at her journal. As it turns out, the pages of Sandy’s diary are full doodles of flowers.