Plot: This is the story of ER nurse Frannie Jones (Robin Wright) who, besides the stress of being an emergency room nurse, is going through a difficult time in her marriage and, in trying to quit smoking, is now hooked on nicotine gum and nicotine patches. In her shift at work, she encounters Howard Davis (Kris Kristofferson) who is in a bedside vigil for his wife of 45 years as she lies comatose.
Director: Jennifer Aniston and Andrea Buchanan
Writer: Andrea Buchanan
Cast: Robin Wright & Kris Kristofferson
Music by: Scott Hardkiss
Genre: Drama | Short Film
Runtime: 19 minutes
Filming Dates: Start Date: 19 July 2006
Release Date: 16 October 2006 (USA)
This is Jennifer Aniston directorial debut.
Robin Wright says she felt “girl power” on the set. “I loved working with Jennifer,” Robin says. “She’s very in tune and a very calm presence. There’s such a genuine feeling on the set, just, you know, girls. There was a real sense of that community. And she being the leader, she was incredible.”
Is there a way to purchase a copy of “Room 10”?